Installation of Parthenon Casts
Winchester College has recently converted a grade 1 listed medieval stable building to provide a
permanent home for its art and archaeology collections. The aim of the project was to provide
improved access to the collections for the school community and to make them available to a
much wider audience by opening them regularly to the public for the first time.
The Treasury opened in October 2016 after a fourteen-month conversion. The historic nature of
the listed building fabric provided a number of challengers. Ian Clark Restoration played a vital
role in the integration of the collections into the building. The School owns a number of large
plaster cast panels from the Parthenon frieze that were required to be hung along the entire
length of the building above some of the showcases. This was a complex process requiring an
engineering solution in addition to an awareness of the appropriate mounting for individual
Ian Clark Restoration was able to manage these complexities. We designed a hanging
system that was adjustable in both the vertical and horizontal plane to ensure the casts were
hung evenly and at a regular depth off the wall despite the wall of the building leaning outwards
by varying degrees at either end.