
RNSM HMS/m Alliance A Class Submarine

HMS/m Alliance is an "A" Class submarine built by Vickers-Armstrong-Barrow and was launched in 1947.  One of 16 of her class she had a surface range of 10,500 miles at 11 knots and operated to a depth of 500 feet.

Commissioned consultancy to complete an internal condition survey and produce a conservation method statement as an integral part of HLF funding bid. 

During a long established relationship with RNSM Ian Clark Restoration has carried a number of remedial repairs to HMS Alliance including targeted internal conservation and external ship repair contracts.        

HMS/m Alliance has just been awarded HLF funding.

Surface cleaning and conservation
of main engines

The control room

External plating repairs

HMS Alliance Internal conservation project

 Electrical conservation

Detail of conserved electrical wiring in the WT office

 More electrical conservation

Detail of the C/o cabin

Conserved accommodation space

Conserved wardroom

Domestic passageway looking forward

Conserved heads

Detail looking up the conserved gun

tower. This compartment was used to access the deck gun on the casing as well as providing a flood chamber to undertake underwater special operations. The picture shows the flooding valve assembly, watertight light fitting, dedicated compressed air supply and hatch clips

Completed after ends

Detail of the conserved after end
torpedo tube assemblies

A view of the starboard side after ends looking forward

The aft end torpedo loading hatch - To aid interpretation we decided to fit the hatch strong-backs  - during operation these were installed immediately after the boat was underway and strengthened this considerably weakened section of the pressure hull

A close-up detail of the completed aft end escape hatch 

Carrying  out conservation work on board a submarine  is often very challenging as the tasks require focus and concentration and are often undertaken in difficult spaces  - This picture shows George  working in the fore ends torpedo compartment

The fore ends nearing completion

George working below decks in the explosives stores just adjacent to the sonar room

Below decks shipwright and conservation technician Adrian just starting in the sonar room

submarine restoration

submarine restoration

submarine restoration

submarine restoration

submarine restoration

submarine restoration

submarine restoration

submarine restoration



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Ian Clark Restoration
1 Railway Cottages
Old Station Road
Itchen Abbas
SO21 1BA

t: +44(0)1962 779495
m: +44(0)7836 536932
e: ian@ianclarkrestoration.com