
Supporting your conservation project with experience, sector knowledge and impartial advice.

Welcome to Ian Clark Restoration

Ian Clark Restoration was formed in 1983 and engages in all aspects of practical industrial, maritime and architectural conservation, project management and consultancy.

In combining over forty years engineering experience within the field of cultural heritage conservation, we offer a multi-disciplined, dedicated and client-focused service.

Ian Clark Restoration provides both practical collection care and consultancy project solutions within a UK wide and international area of operation. This extensive experience of on-site logistical project delivery has contributed significantly to the ability of Ian Clark Restoration to provide cost efficient, safe and pragmatic conservation care solutions where quality and best practice is at the core of the business.

We have proven experience in supplying industrial and architectural conservation solutions across the UK at national and regional levels and it is this case specific knowledge that underwrites our working relationships.

Comprehensive condition surveys and technical specifications can be prepared as part of a grant application or Heritage Lottery Fund bid. Ethical and technical advice can be given with regard to all aspects of industrial, maritime and architectural heritage

Our extensive experience of working in high-profile heritage locations where contractual integration and public engagement is a pivotal element within the project provides accredited assurance and informed commitment

ICR has a proven ability to engage with project stakeholders to ensure that all environmental, risk management, health and safety, and case specific responsibilities are identified and assessed.

Over many years ICR has established lasting professional relationships with significant heritage sector providers and continues to do so and has supplied on-going maintenance and collection care solutions as part of strategic framework agreements for the National Trust and English Heritage

Using our extensive knowledge of large-scale engineering, architectural and maritime conservation ICR is able to supply a very cost efficient, flexible and pragmatic service which will deliver high-end added value.

Intelligent phasing will allow for works to be executed with flexibility and we consider any site specific influences or logistical restraints that could dictate a mutually acceptable and deliverable schedule of works.

ICR has built a respected reputation for supplying a dedicated, focused and personalised service which is underpinned by a multi-disciplined professional skill set able to react and resolve unpredictable on-site logistical and technical challenges with care and sensitivity.

As an integral element of our on-going advocacy commitment, Ian has been professionally employed by a number of television and radio production companies working on programmes showcasing industrial and maritime conservation

Ian has received the Pilgrim Trust Award for Conservation the UK's premier scheme to reward excellence in preserving cultural heritage and an Education Business Partnership Amazing People Award who commit themselves to develop innovative programmes that support young peoples’ preparation for adult life and work, and to celebrate the achievements of the young people themselves.

Conservation consultants

In combining over 40 years engineering experience within the field of industrial, maritime and architectural heritage conservation, we are able to offer a multi-disciplined and dedicated consultancy service. By offering a unique service which combines our extensive practical engineering and conservation knowledge with contextual experience of project management and technical support we have developed a very structured appreciation of the special contractual and operational frameworks that underpin heritage conservation projects.

Industrial Conservation

Transport and multi-purpose industrial heritage collections are vast in quantity and diverse in identity. Their conservation and continued preservation is complex and can be quantified based on their operational or static status or more importantly their interpretive, educational, outreach and cultural heritage value. Their restoration and continued operation has to be balanced against many far-reaching ethical criteria as well as investing in the traditional craft based skills required to carry out repairs and maintenance, however transport and industrial collections convey a powerful message when conserved and displayed in many diverse cultural heritage environments.

Maritime conservation

Ian Clark underpins his core conservation and engineering skills and experience with a professional membership and designation with The Royal Institution of Naval Architects. The interpretive potential of maritime heritage assets is considerable and can be pivotal in communicating significant contextual strands of socio-economic growth, innovation and human endeavour. When evaluating the potential and legitimacy of any given maritime conservation project strategy the level of physical intervention and delivery must be carefully balanced with the identity of the environment, its specific context and cultural heritage value. The legacy of maritime innovation and ingenuity can unfold using a mix of modern and traditional physical and interactive mediums to enable virtual and tangible access to an on-board visitor experience to showcase an object, event or historical association.

Windmill Conservation

Traditionally, a millwright was a craftsman with engineering skills who maintained mills to ensure their efficiency to commercially mill. Repairs would be completed without necessarily considering the impact on original material such as the structural fabric or milling machinery. Work was completed without thinking about tradition, conservation or ethics. The repair works were necessary for the efficient running of the business. This is one of the most significant differences between traditional and modern millwrights. In contemporary work, millwrighting takes place in a heritage environment where works need to consider the complexities of listed buildings and mixed-materiel collections. Materials used needs to be chosen dependent on the environment, conservation aspects and historic accuracy rather than what might be quickest or most cost effective.

Watermill Conservation

Traditionally, a millwright was a craftsman with engineering skills who maintained mills to ensure their efficiency to commercially mill. Repairs would be completed without necessarily considering the impact on original material such as the structural fabric or milling machinery. Work was completed without thinking about tradition, conservation or ethics. The repair works were necessary for the efficient running of the business.  This is one of the most significant differences between traditional and modern millwrights. In contemporary work, millwrighting takes place in a heritage environment where works need to consider the complexities of listed buildings and mixed-materiel collections. Materials used needs to be chosen dependent on the environment, conservation aspects and historic accuracy rather than what might be quickest or most cost effective.

Architectural Conservation

Architectural Conservation can be broad and diverse in scope and delivery. From significant structures onsite to small portable objects on the bench ICR can help you evaluate, quantify and deliver your project conservation needs. These needs may be in the form of a condition survey, technical specification for conservation, repair or replacement, practical delivery, project management or consultancy or through-life maintenance and reactive support. From stately homes to iconic public buildings to historic transport infrastructure to the finest cast and wrought ironwork we will work with you to provide informed, pragmatic and deliverable practical collections care solutions and project consultancies. Combining our skills and experiences in engineering and conservation underpins our understanding and cultural appreciation of the built environment and architectural cultural heritage.

Industrial and decorative art conservation

Ian Clark Restoration provides a one-stop metals conservation service. We supply to National Trust, Historic England, national and regional museum services and trusts, local authorities, public and private sector clients. Metals conservation within the wider cultural heritage community is complex, diverse and never the same. Ian Clark Restoration has extensive experience of supplying mixed materiel and collections care solutions. We provide a flexible and blended metals conservation service for a broad range of objects for public and private sector clients. Routine or planned maintenance work can be carried out as part of exhibition and gallery projects or readying for loan agreements. Extensive materials knowledge and informed hands on experience of construction techniques and technical and decorative finishing underpins our ability to provide a trusted and sensitive service where your project is in safe hands.

Model conservation

The origins of model making appear during the earliest dawning of humankind itself. Recreating both architectural and mechanical engineering human endeavour and technical innovation in miniature form has fulfilled a human desire to communicate and celebrate its physical form and function equally for commerce, education and art. Model making also has a deep-rooted legacy through the fundamental fulfilment and enjoyment of recreating technical design in 3-dimensional scale size

From Archimedes to Aristotle to a broader contemporary acceptance and understanding, model making is multifarious and transcends history culture, and fashion. Model making embraces many disciplines, materials and mediums and its precise execution requires great skill, knowledge and dedication and it is within this miniature world that we rejoice in the art that works

In combining both mechanical engineering and decorative art conservation skills Ian Clark Restoration can provide you with the knowledge and collections care experience to safeguard your model or collection.

flexible and blended conservation service

for a broad range of public and private sector clients

Find out more

With an established profile within the museum and heritage sector

we offer pragmatic collection care solutions and informed industrial heritage consultancy.
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Ian Clark Restoration
1 Railway Cottages
Old Station Road
Itchen Abbas
SO21 1BA

t: +44(0)1962 779495
m: +44(0)7836 536932
e: ian@ianclarkrestoration.com